Creativity, Writing Online

I Need Your Attention!

How to be more creative

I Need Your Attention! I recently shelled out a bunch of money that I didn’t have to sign up for a cohort-based course called Ship 30 for 30 so I can learn how to become an “online writer.” So I’ve been reading online lessons every day. Attending teaching sessions on Zoom twice a week. And […]

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Quisque bibendum iaculis dictum. Suspendisse in pellentesque nulla, non interdum erat. Curabitur in lacinia metus. Vestibulum at purus arcu. Aliquam interdum sit amet purus non aliquam. Nunc hendrerit enim id sodales iaculis. Phasellus augue tortor, facilisis suscipit fringilla faucibus, tempor laoreet diam. Duis ut nunc in nulla tristique ultricies. Aenean suscipit sapien eget nulla sodales elementum. Duis et elementum sem. Mauris dignissim nunc nisl, vitae rhoncus risus ultrices eget. Mauris nec porta elit, et porta velit. Ut sed placerat libero, scelerisque sollicitudin augue. Etiam a ullamcorper quam. Suspendisse a euismod neque.

I Need Your Attention!

I recently shelled out a bunch of money that I didn’t have to sign up for a cohort-based course called Ship 30 for 30 so I can learn how to become an “online writer.”

So I’ve been reading online lessons every day. Attending teaching sessions on Zoom twice a week. And I have committed to writing and posting 30 Atomic Essays (250-300 word essays) on Twitter in 30 days.

Now I am an experienced writer. I’ve written countless plays, millions of comedy sketches, a couple of television pilots, and a script for a feature film that premiered at Sundance. So although I’m no Stephen King, I’ve written a thing or two.

So you may be wondering why I, a person who is written a thing or two, am taking this Ship 30 For 30 thing. Let me enlighten you…


Why I’m Doing This Ship 30 For 30 Thing

  1. Writing Scares The Crap Out Of Me! – Even though I’ve been writing since the mid-80s, I am still scared to death whenever I have to write something. Hopefully, by posting short essays every day for 30 days, I will rid myself of this fear. (or at least reduce it a bit)
  2. I Want To Create A Consistent Writing Habit—This program stresses “quantity over quality.” So I’m required to show up to my computer every day and write, which I hope will create a daily writing habit that I maintain until the day I die.
  3. I Want To Learn What You Want Me To Write About – I want to write about creativity, finding joy, positivity, and living with MS. The list goes on and on. But I’m told that if I Ship 30 Essays For 30 days, data provided by you, tell me what you want me to write about. You better not let me down!


I Did It! (I mean, I’m Doing It!)

So, this is the first day of my 30-day adventure in writing, learning, and self-discovery. I’m very excited, kind of scared, but ready to go! I hope you join me on this adventure, and let me know what you think!

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Creativity, Writing Online

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